Let's Talk about Positive Progress in our City.

Progress through extraordinary times.

The last 3 years have been challenging for us all. There is no doubt.

Council provides a huge number of services and public facilities, many are not discretional, or are required by law. We must, for example, provide, maintain and develop high quality water services, roads and footpaths, disposing of waste.  We provide libraries pools, playgrounds, parks, cycleways, sports grounds, the zoo, Hamilton Gardens.

Some residents talk about core functions and "nice to haves" but not everyone agrees with what that is and what is essential for a great city.

My view is that we need to create a city where people love to live and where they can thrive. A city of just homes, with roads, water services and waste services without parks playgrounds or without green spaces would not make a nice city. 

Having said that, we need to strike a balance between affordability for ratepayers, looking after the assets we already have and building for the future needs of the city is critical.

In this election time there are candidates who claim not much has been achieved in the last 3 years or we are not focused on core responsibilities. 

The A Look Back...Capital projects portfolio at a glance document clearly shows that, even in the tough economic and Covid times, the current council has got things done together as a team under my supportive leadership. I am proud of the councillors and staff who worked hard to create a better city.

Here are a few examples of success in 2021/22;

  • The Egyptian Garden was completed, the only one in NZ!
  • A new central city jetty and erosion protection wall along the river was constructed.
  • The Zoo was upgraded with a better, safer entrance, a new sensory playground and beautiful new cafe that both locals and zoo goers can enjoy....(and there is more to come)
  • The Hamilton Ring Road Project was completed and good progress made on the new bridge to Peacocke.
  • Ruakura Road was upgraded improving safety and efficiency for all road users including cyclists and pedestrians.
  • The roof, seismic strengthening, seating stands and safety rails, and relining of the Hydrotherapy Pool ensures that Waterworld was a safe, high quality aquatics centre.
  • The Western Wastewater interceptor was completed to create a safer and future proof waste water system for west Hamilton.
  • No Mayor can achieve this alone but they can enable and empower others. And I did. This work is the result of a strong and professional team of councillors who worked hard under their portfolios to support the staff to get things done.

Read the summary report with other examples and other links to news stories below:

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